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Dancing Songs - Movement exercises and choreographies



Here is a set of videos with both movement exercises and choreographic proposals based on the songs of Cantar Mais for public display. Conceived by Carla Albuquerque dance teacher at Escola da Companhia de Dança de Almada, they are exemplified and danced by children.



Creating and rehearsing choreographies - «Blues da Canela»

1st part - Choreography of the song “Blues da Canela” (“Cinnamon Blues”), based on the following elements:


• Exploratory exercise

• Improvisation within a given structure

• Dance Levels

• Pause

• Relationship with others


2nd part - Creating and rehearsing the choreography

Creating and rehearsing Choreographies – “A Abelha”

1st part - Choreography of the song “A Abelha” (“The Bee”) based on the following elements:


• Directions - forwards and backwards.

• Dance Dynamics - fast and slow.

• Forms of locomotion - walking



2nd part - Creating and rehearsing the choreography.

Movement exercises – “O mar enrola na areia”

Exploratory exercise with little children:


• Improvisation within a given structure

• Pause

• Relationship with others


“O mar enrola na areia” (“The Sea rolling down into the sand”)


Video recorded at Escola da Companhia de Dança de Almada, with students of Prof. Maria José Bernardino.

Movement exercises - Tum tum piscatum / Cai, cai balão

Exploratory exercise with little children:


• Movement dynamics: light

• Suspension


“Tum tum piscatum” / “Cai, Cai, Balão” (“Come down, balloon”)


Video recorded at Escola da Companhia de Dança de Almada, with students of Prof. Maria José Bernardino.

Movement and choreography exercises – “Canção de embalar para meninas e meninos”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:



• Improvisation with children using different parts of their body.



2nd part - Choreography of “Uma canção para embalar meninas e meninos” (“A Rocking song/Lullaby for girls and boys”) based on the explored elements.

Warm-up exercises – 1st part


Warm-up exercises - preparation for movement and dance activities:



• Different parts of the body.

Warm-up exercises – 2nd part

Warm-up exercises - Different ways of getting around the dance space, using diagonal direction and levels:


• Crawling

• Swaying 

• Baby Crawling

• Crab-like walking

• Walking: on knees; normally; on tiptoes.

• Jumping: with both feet together; hopping; from 1 foot to 2 feet and from 2 to 1.

• Improvising: standing; then with the body moving closer to, or on the floor.

Movement and choreography exercises – “Hava nagila”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:


• Laterality – crossing sidestepping;

• Dance dynamics - fast, slow.



2nd part - Choreography of “Hava nagila” based on the explored elements

Movement and choreography exercises – “Os Três Porquinhos”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:



• Teaching a movement phrase;

• Forms of locomotion - swinging and rotating.



2nd part - Choreography of “Os Três Porquinhos” (“Three Piggy Wiggies”), based on the elements explored.

Movement exercises – “Os Três Porquinhos”

Exploratory exercise with little children:


• Spatial organization – space exploration and use: free, and round in a circle.


Three Piggy Wiggies


Video recorded at Escola da Companhia de Dança de Almada, with students of Prof. Susana Rosendo.

Movement and choreography exercises – “Senhora Dona Anica”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:


• Direction - forwards and backwards.

• Dance Dynamics - fast and slow.



2nd part - Choreography of “Senhora Dona Anica” (“Ma’am Anica”), based on the elements explored.

Movement and choreography exercises – “Faço riscos, faço bolas”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:



• Spatial organization - exploration in the use of space.



2nd part - Choreography of “Faço riscos, faço bolas” (“Drawing scratches, drawing circles”) based on the elements explored.

Movement and choreography exercises – “Dança do robot azul”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:



• Dynamics of Movement - straight and flexible.



2nd part - Choreography of “Dança do robot azul” (“Dance of the blue robot”) based on the elements explored

Movement exercises – - Tum tum piscatum / Cai, cai balão

1st part - Exploratory exercises:


• Dance Levels - low, medium and high.

• 5 types of jump:


- Two feet (jumping with both feet tightly joint)

- Hopping

- Trotting

- ‘Hopscotch jumping’ 1 (starting with both feet on the floor and then hopping with just one foot)

- ‘Hopscotch jumping’ 2 (hopping first, and then touching down with both feet) 


2nd part - Choreography of “Tum tum piscatum / Cai, cai balão” (“Tum tum pistacum / Come down, balloon”) based on the elements explored.

Movement and choreography exercises – “Zabelinha”

1st part - Exploratory exercises:


• Space organization; 

• Peer relationship.


2nd part - Choreography of “Zabelinha” based on the elements explored.