The "Mais" (More) Community is the name our Team made up to include in our project anyone with a free online CANTAR MAIS (Singing More) registration. So the idea here is to encourage all users of our website to be active participants in the development and improvement of the project, as well as to help us to foster a truly widespread use and to reach a high circulation rate of CANTAR MAIS (“SINGING MORE”); in other words, we long for everyone’s contribution to the enhancement of its artistic and educational potential.
Upon the approval of our advisory panel, all contributions and supporting resources received by the Cantar Mais (“Singing More”) Team will be shared in this section of the site.
Again, we really would like this to be a data-rich tool and ideally a fabulous virtual setting for sharing a great many other songs, as well as lively training strategies and creative ideas for everybody to learn and perform them.
Depending on the feasibility conditions and our Team's possibilities, we shall endeavour to find the best means for all approved proposals (plus the supporting materials) to be shared in our website.
Q: How to register for a free Cantar Mais (“Singing More”) account
A: This is quite simple. Click on Register and fill in every item in the form provided. You will also need, of course, to create and save your own access data: e-mail and password.
Q.: Begin Session
A.: Your e-mail and password is all that it takes to log onto to Cantar Mais and instantly begin your session.
Q.: what can you find, exactly, at Cantar Mais (Singing More)?